Resultados: 7

Impact of Educational Interventions to Foster Health in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review

Aquichan; 23 (3), 2023
Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases represent the leading cause of death worldwide, and education interventions are an effective measure to control modifiable risk factors in patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation; therefore, studying this phenomenon allows expanding the tools to face this situatio...

The Importance of Graduate Education for Nursing Care

Aquichan; 23 (1), 2023
Graduate nursing education faces various challenges linked to research products that must be innovative and have an impact on social well-being. Knowledge transfer is a complex multidimensional process requiring multiple mechanisms, methods, and measurements to be considered in graduate training. Educati...

COVID-19, Teaching, and Service: The Challenge of Nursing Training Practices

Aquichan; 21 (2), 2021
A pandemia covid-19 significou que as práticas de treinamento em enfermagem são modificadas devido às restrições para a prática presencial, de acordo com a política de redução do contato pessoal. Analisar os desafios, mas também as estratégias para flexibilizar e reformular as atividades prát...

Formação em enfermagem e mundo do trabalho: percepções de egressos de enfermagem

Aquichan; 17 (2), 2017
RESUMO Objetivos: descrever e analisar a percepção de egressos do curso de graduação em enfermagem sobre o processo de formação e o mundo do trabalho em saúde e enfermagem. Materiais e método: pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, desenvolvida na Faculdade de Enfermagem da Univers...

Formación del licenciado en Enfermería en América Latina

Aquichan; 16 (2), 2016
Antecedentes: actualmente, América Latina requiere profesionales en Enfermería cuyo perfil de egreso pueda responder a los cambios que ha traído consigo la globalización. Se sabe que la formación del licenciado en Enfermería es disímil en los países de América Latina e, incluso, al interior de e...

Individual and Group Education in Diabetes and Outcomes

Aquichan; 14 (2), 2014
Aim: The purpose of the present study in this context was to review the effect two different types of diabetes education being implemented in an actual setting had on the outcome of care (levels of knowledge, self-care agency, A1c, BMI). Methods: Research was carried out as a correlational and descriptiv...